Buat Kamu-kamu yang gemar nonton drama korea? nah ini dia salah satu drama korea yang lagi hits Gu Family Book - Don't Forget Me, nah baru-baru ini, Drama korea Gu Family Book mengeluarkan OST terbarunya yang dinyanyikan oleh Suzy dengan judul Don't Foget Me.
Do you hear my sad monologue?
These words that blame you
The name that becomes pain when I call it
You, you, you
If you are smiling at thoughts of me sometimes
I won’t have any more lingering attachments
So don’t forget me, me, me
Please remember me, me, me
Farewell only comes once but why does longing come a lot?
I have never forgotten you for a single moment, I love you
Is it so? Are you really completely fine?
You, you, you
You left me without even a common promise
But that person still remains in me
Don’t forget me, me, me
Please remember me, me, me
Farewell only comes once but why does longing come a lot?
I have never forgotten you for a single moment
I’m not asking to do a love that has already passed
I just wish you would remember my love
Don’t forget me, me, me
Love me, me, me
Farewell only comes once but why does longing come a lot?
I have never forgotten you for a single moment, I love you, I love you
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